In other news there was an interesting little brief in the NY Magazine about an artist who uses bees to create his sculptures. He provides the bees with wooden templates instead of the traditional frames that are usually put in a hive for the bees to draw their comb on.
It also is becoming pretty apparent that the impending drought here in California is going to impact the bees and their honey production. Less water = less flowers and less nectar produced by them.
We had a little cold spell this past week so we have postponed visiting the hive, but the sun is back out and once it warms up again we will have to get over to see them. I'd like to get them some empty frames for the hive body and put on a honey super so they have some reason to draw comb and somewhere to start putting the nectar they are doubtless bringing in so they don't get bored or crowded. Bored and crowded is surely cause to swarm.
The fruit trees, particularly the crab apples and plums are already well into their blooming and the bees are loving that.
Please visit our shop to purchase Noe Valley Honey and other hive products from the Pollen Princesses.