Friday, April 3, 2009

We're Famous! (locally)

The Noe Valley Voice paper has published a really lovely article about us in their April Issue which just came out. The new issue is not online as of today, but should be very soon. The paper is out on the streets in Noe Valley so if you are making a trip to Lovejoy's Tea House, pick up a copy.

We are very proud!

At the same time, this issue is arriving just as we are getting down to our last stock of honey. It will be at least a couple of months before we have any more that we can extract; so while we are very excited about the exposure, I'm afraid that a lot of the new people that find us through the article will have to wait a while to try the Princesses' honey.

Today we are going to go add some room to our original hive and make some space for the new hive going in that location. We want to make sure that as the queen has been busy laying eggs the newly hatched bees have room to start expanding the comb and the field bees have space to bring in more supplies of pollen and nectar. They will be very busy these next couple of months and we want to help them be as productive as possible.

We'll also be adding to the other location in a week or two -- we are going to be filling the new hives we add with package bees instead of nucleus colonies. Package bees arrive three pounds at a time in a wire mesh cage, with a queen in a separate tiny cage of her own. They are basically an artificial swarm -- there is no comb, no brood, no supplies -- they start from scratch. This is the way we started the very first hive three years ago. We'll explain the process as we execute it. First I need to make sure when the packages we ordered will be arriving.

Please visit our shop to purchase Noe Valley Honey and other hive products from the Pollen Princesses.

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