Wednesday, August 19, 2009


The busy hive in location number 1 has been going great guns! We had put a new honey super on just before our trip (which makes three that were on the hive) and it was nearly filled when when we checked on Sunday. We took the first super that we had added off the hive, and brought it home for extracting. The other two were still not quite full, so we left them for the bees to work, and added a new empty super for good measure.

Upon extracting the honey, we had a good 27 pounds or over 2.5 gallons. We'll have it up for sale as soon as it has settled a bit and we get it bottled.

This batch was being gathered in June and early July -- it has an interesting walnut or tea color, a deep brown with a bit of green to it. The flavor is quite mild, and herbal -- nearly grassy. It seems to smell of the California lilac amongst other things. Sweet, it is still not cloying. I am very pleased with it.

Please visit our shop to purchase Noe Valley Honey and other hive products from the Pollen Princesses.

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