Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Third Extraction of the Year

This past weekend was spent extracting more honey. We had accumulated three supers full that we were storing in our laundry room until we could get the extractor from the bee club and make some time to actually extract it all.

Those two requirements converged this weekend and we were able to get it all done. We had a total of about 70 lbs. of honey when all was said and done. One of the supers had frames with two clearly distinct shades of honey so we separated them out into two batches. Therefore, when we get everything bottled and labeled you will see a total of four different batches available in our shop - July, Early August, Late August and September. It still amazes me how distinct each different batch can be from the other.

Meanwhile -- we all know how crucial scent is to honey bees. In Britain, according to the Daily Telegraph, this trait is being used in surprising ways. Honeybees are being trained to respond to specific scents and then used to sniff out explosives! See the photo essay here.

Please visit our shop to purchase Noe Valley Honey and other hive products from the Pollen Princesses.

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